Who we are

Jackson Brothers Septic is me , Seth Jackson and my brother Shane, and a couple other family members. We were both owner op truck drivers for many years so the Equipment Hauling CDL license part was covered from day one. Family dynamics changed for me and I needed to be home daily to raise my children. I already had a backhoe and friends in the industry so I started doing dirt work and evolved into specializing in septic installations and repairs. I ended up getting every license and endorsement of the septic license allowed in Georgia. I’ve added a laser-guided depth control system to my excavator to improve accuracy and speed. I carry a Blue card from the Soil & Erosion Department that covers all of Georgia that covers Best Management Practices rules especially enforced when working around waterways. We’ve sponsored our local school football, agriculture, & archery teams the last few years and have a few appreciation awards from them. We are basically your one-stop shop for all things to do with dirt work from clearing land, putting in driveways, installing or repairing your septic system, silt fence, digging footers or making a level spot for a shed or barn, or redefining the lay of the land so water goes off it the way it needs to go. We can come up with a solution for whatever you need done outside.

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